March 1

Project Update…Future of FMPG


So here’s the latest! Read till the end…it’s worth it 😉

First, Chris Vermeulen and I are cruising along! I can’t stress enough how easy and effective our affiliate program is. We’re paying 50% RECURRING on ALL the newsletters and products in our arsenal. ALL the leads and traffic you send that converts (no matter a phone order, or email question) tracks to your affiliate code.

So you share articles (like the ones here) with your affiliate code and you make money. No selling, no hype, just content. Get involved.

Second, I’m working with two new clients…both have asked to remain anonymous as of now. I can tell you a bit about them…and will do intro’s on an individual basis for now. If you want to know them, just email me (

Client A is a very well known writer, with products ranging from high end (5k) to low-end (50 a month) and the current selling process is mainly internal. Whenever they want to add more clients they simply make a small mention in an article or to their list and BAM HUGE SALES! They want to get huge, streamline their business, and eventually bring in BIG affiliates. They are willing and able to partner…but all in due time 😉

Client B is a company with successful history of sales, and more importantly helping thousands of traders become better traders. When I spoke with the owner he told me “Brad, our job STARTS when our clients purchase from us…” Impressive NO??? A lot of people say that, but never actually do it. They have an incredible support staff of ACTUAL TRADERS and product owners who are paid just to help clients. They’ve been in the business for years but it’s time to update how they do things. Hence the reason they hired FMPG to do some writing, sales consulting, and eventually affiliate marketing. Once the affiliate marketing starts, I’LL NEED YOU! They have a HUGE and very active list that they know has the ability to drive them to the top of sales boards across the biz…but all in due time.

Third, I’ve been blessed, nay VERY BLESSED, in my new venture. I’ve been able to help many people and companies improve their business, help them go in new directions, introduce them to big players, and make them more money! Everyone I’ve worked with has been amazing…and now I’m going to start working with MORE people!!

I’ve turned down a lot of people over the past year. It’s been hard, but I know that if I wasn’t able to give them my full attention then I’d be doing them a disservice…and that’s not me.

I’ve brought someone on (who I feel is a ROCK STAR writer) to write like me, write with me, and provide me with support with new clients. His sales pages, email series, autoresponders, and newsletters have sold MILLIONS…TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars worth of products over the years. Combine that with me…and you can easily add 50 bucks in sales to that number, haha.

So we’re taking on new copywriting and consulting clients…free quotes, dedication, and RESULTS! Email me

Sorry for long message, but I’m grateful you read it!

So what can FMPG do for you?

All my best,

P.S. No you can’t have my new writer…but you can work with him.


marketing potential, new projects, Work with FMPG

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  • Brad,

    It goes to show that hard work in what you really believe in does pay off in the long run.
    Always invest in and for your future!
    You are doing a wonderful job!
    Keep it up!


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